Resources - General 

This section will contain information that is not specific to types of ministries or disabilities. 

 Picture of page 1 of a recent DMC newsletter

Many VOICE newsletter issues contain useful information that is not time-sensitive and not yet covered in our other resources

Newsletters By Topic

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Newsletter Archive

August 2024 DMC (Link to share) Chancel and pulpit accessibility, accommodations for pastors with hearing, vision, light sensitivity, autism, and mobility disabilities

June 2024 Mental Health (Link to share) Mental health support for children and youth

April 2024 DMC (Link to share) Introducing the new website, DMC at General Conference

Winter 2024 Mental Health (Link to share) How to become a Caring Congregation, supporting mental health of pastors and members, congregational ministries

Year End 2023 DMC Grant recipients, DMC collaboration with boards and agencies, updates to the Disability-friendly and Accessible Church badge program

June 2023 Mental Health Advocacy for mental health treatment, supporting pastors and individuals with mental health concerns

Spring 2023 DMC Resource Update Grant information, resources available for annual conferences, Badge program information, resources, volunteer needs

Giving Tuesday 2022 DMC Grants awarded, creating sensory spaces, Badge program Gold church example

August 2022 DMC Resource Update  Badge program, working with annual conferences, grant cycle

May 2022 DMC Autism and neurodiversity, meet an autistic pastor, creating safe sensory spaces, autism resources

March 2022 Mental Health Helping persons struggling with opioid abuse, Mental Health Ministries joins Pathways to Promise, UMC beliefs about mental illness, Petition about non-discrimination in disability compensation

February 2022 DMC Resource Update  New and updated resources, grant cycle, volunteers needed

December 2021 Mental Health: Long COVID, Wounded healer, Mental Health First Aid

Fall 2021 DMC: DMC work/ Giving Tuesday: Grant funding in Uruguay, Resources launch a new career in W Ohio, Consultation supports Wisconsin church to achieve Gold badge status

September 2021 Mental Health: About suicide, Teen suicide, Resources that address suicide, taking time to grieve

Summer 2021 DMC: Introducing new and ongoing members of the DMC

May 2021 Mental Health: Mental Health Awareness Month, a parable of hope, becoming God's hope.

January 2021 Mental Health: Navigating mental health during the pandemic, Risking Connection training helps churches offer trauma-informed support, Suicide prevention

Fall 2020 DMC: First Gold badge church in Alaska, Accessible voting, Meeting needs during COVID, ASL worship services offer global outreach, in memoriam Rev. Jim McIntire

Summer 2020: Intersection of Racism and Disability, Reflecting on 30 years of the ADA, Introducing the Ableism Toolkit, The UMC and the ADA

Spring 2020 DMC: COVID resources - accessible on-line worship, advocating for equal health care rights in a time of rationing, outreach with members with intellectual and developmental disabilities, praying without words.

February 2018 DMC: Employment-related ministries, Putting Faith to Work program

November 2017 DMC: Giving Tuesday, DMC work, need, funding

Fall 2017 Mental Health: Giving Tuesday, Mental Health Ministries

Note: All prior issues are from the DMC and are disability-focused

Spring 2017: Disability ministries and outreach in Spanish-speaking areas

Fall 2016: Housing ministries offered by churches; Friendship House at Duke

Summer 2016: Sibling support, children of disabled parents, parent support groups &  needs

March 2016: Annual Conference Accessibility; Ableism in conference planning; Using captioning; Role of event accessibility coordinator; Resource tool kit for planning accessible meetings and events

Winter 2014/ 2015: Strategies to make your church safe for people with invisible disabilities including severe food allergies, chemical sensitivity, and asthma

Fall 2014: Ministries inclusive of children with disabilities, hints for sensory overload and sensory processing needs

Summer 2014: The Mission u disability study and resources, updates from the DisAbility Ministries Committee

Winter 2013/ 2014: How the church can prepare for and respond to disasters and emergencies in ways that include and anticipate people with disabilities

Fall 2013: International Methodist disability ministries, EDAN women and violence conference, Kenya Deaf mission trip

Summer 2013: Updates from the joint meetings of the UM Committee on DisAbility Ministries and the UM Association of Ministers with Disabilities

May 2013: Camping ministries: accessible challenge courses, autism workshop, ADA pool regulations, job creation

March 2013: National and regional interfaith disability coalitions address mental health, offer education and support

January 2013: Building a comprehensive dementia ministry; Important Committee social media updates

November 2012: Spiritual supports & programs for people with intellectual disabilities; Jo D'Archangelis

September 2012: Intentional hospitality; Kenya mission trip; 2012 Task Force meeting highlights

Summer 2012: Certification program; Institute on Theology and Disability; Disability Open Mic; NAMI; Deaf camps

April 2012: Updates on General Conference legislation, website, and conference disability committees

March 2012: Pastors who are hard of hearing called to Deaf Ministry; UM Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing meeting; Technology for communication access

February 2012: Medical equipment loan programs; Occupational therapists' and Parish nurses' roles in disability ministry

January 2012: Church accessibility; Working with trustees; Platform lifts

December 2011: Models of adapted worship, multi-sensory worship, Rejoicing Spirits

November 2011: Ministers who are blind; Web accessibility

September 2011: Ministry with Homeless Persons

July / August 2011: Ramp-building Ministries

June 2011: Members and Work of the Task Force

May 2011: Inclusive and Accessible Camping Ministries

April 2011: Reaching out to Young Adults with Disabilities

March 2011: Disability Awareness Sunday

Resource List - Alphabetical

Resources from the Disability Ministries Committee - Alphabetical Listing  

40 Low Cost or No Cost Ways to Improve Camp Accessibility

A. Able Privilege Scorecard

Ableism and Disability Glossary

Ableist Microaggressions in Church Life

Ableist Microaggressions Worksheet

Accessibility in Hybrid Worship and Meetings

Accessibility Tips:

Accessible Parking Guidelines

Accessible Restrooms on a Budget

Calculating Slope

Pew Cuts

Suggested Audit Tools 

Accessible Church Badge Process

Adapting a Building/ for Blind or Low Vision

Adapting Activities for Campers with Hidden Disabilities

Adapting Worship & Media for Blind and Low Vision 

Annual Accessibility Audit - Basics

Anti-Ableism Resource List

Anti-Ableist Liturgies

Approaches to Dismantling Ableism

Author’s Guide for DMC 

B. Badge Flyer Update   2024

Braille, Audio, & Large Print Worship Materials

C. Camp Accessibility Is For....

Camp Mini-Audit: Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

Congregational Survey: Ministry with People with Disabilities

Creating a Local Church Accessibility Committee

Creating a Sunday School Where Every Child Belongs

Creating Safe Sensory Spaces at Camp

Creating Safe Sensory Spaces in Your Church

D. DeafSpace Contributes to Universal Design

Dementia-Friendly Worship Tools

Disability Awareness Sunday FAQs

Disability Committees

Disability Etiquette Skit: “Can You Believe It?"

Disability Ministries Overview

Disability Rights and Justice Toolkit for the Disability Advocate

Disability-Related Excerpts in the Book of Discipline 2016

Disabilty Sunday Order of Worship by Rev. R Holland

DMC Brochure 2022 

DMC Media Release Form


DMC Website Use Policy

Donate - Three Easy Ways

E. End Age and Disability-Related Marriage Penalties (Resolution)

Engagement and Communication Practices: 

With a Person Who Has an Intellectual Disability

With a Person Who has a Speech or Language Disability

With Persons Who are Blind or Have Low Vision

With Persons Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing  

With Persons with Dementia

With Persons Who Have Environmental Sensitivities

With Persons with a Mental Health Condition

With Persons with a Mobility Limitation or Physical Disability

With Persons who are Neurodivergent

With Persons who have Non-Visible Disabilities

Environmental Sensitivities and Fragrance Reduction

Event Accessibility

Event Accessibility A-Z Roadmap

Event Accessibility: Accommodations Request 

Event Accessibility Coordinator Job Description

Event Accessibility Guide for Speakers and Program Leaders

Event Accessibility Planning and Set-up Checklist 

            Event Accessibility Post Event Survey

F. Find-a-Church Guidance

G. Get Involved - Volunteer with the DMC 

God Created All Living Things Good Litany

Guidance for Completing the “Annual Accessibility Audit for UM Churches

Guide Dog & Service Animal Etiquette 

H. How to Gather Compelling Stories 

L. Liturgy for Blind Equality Achievement Month (L Yates)

M. Making Sensory Items for Your Church

Mailing Lists Sign-up Sheet

Mental Health Sunday 1: Changing our Attitudes (Link to outside blog article)

O. Obtaining Bronze or Silver Badge

Obtaining Gold Badge

Overcoming Ableism and Audism Resolution

Overview of Audism (DHM)

P. Prayer Mental Health Awareness (S Gregg-Schroeder)

Prayer of Confession (SEMAR)

Prayer of Confession for Ableism (K Roelofs/ CRCNA)

Prayer of Sending (T Binford)

Prayer of Thanksgiving (A. Larson)

Prayer of the Day Using Inclusive Language (J D'Archangelis)

R. Repentance for Support of Eugenics

Resource Person Application

Roles of the AC Disability Concerns Committee 

S. Safer Sanctuaries Disability Ministry Flyer

Scripture - The Bible and Disabilities  (list of OT and NT passages)

Sermons:  Accessible and Inclusive 

Songs and Hymns

T. Teens and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (curriculum)

The Great Thanksgiving (P Johnson/T Burton-Edwards)

Theology and Disability Ministry

U. UMC Annual Accessibility Audit - 2024 version

UMC Find-A-Church Guidance

Understanding Ableism

Understanding Sensory Processing Differences

V. Virtual Worship is Here to Stay (T Vermande and others)

More Resources Coming Soon

Resource List By Topic

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